Winter tips for glowy skin

Windy days, chilly nights. Thick sweaters and ski weekends. Snuggling up in a warm blanket with a steaming cup of hot chocolate. Who doesn’t love the wonderful things about wintertime?

Your skin, that’s who! In the winter, the dry, cold air draws the natural moisture out of your skin, and that leaves it feeling chapped, dry and irritated. Don’t worry though, there are things you can do to make your skin healthy and glowing in the winter months, no matter how cold and windy it is outdoors.

Here are a few winter tips for glowy skin we’ve compiled for you:

Keep hydrated

During winter, it may seem that staying hydrated is not as important as in the summer, but actually it is! Spending time indoors with the heat on is very drying on the skin, and the cold winds when you venture outside strip away at the skin’s moisture even more. Make sure you keep hydrated by drinking enough fluids throughout the day. Brew your favorite tea and keep a warm pot on your desk at work. You’ll not just keep hydrated – you’ll also warm yourself up!

Know your skin’s needs

Winter weather is changeable and so is your skin. Pay attention to how your skin feels so you can give it what it needs. Keep a nourishing lip balm on hand when you go out to help protect delicate lips against the cold. If your skin is feeling particularly dry, use a deep hydrating mask once or twice a week. A moisturizing serum can be a great weapon against extra cold weather. Consider what your skin needs from day to day and a beautiful glow will be your reward.

Steam it up

Cold air is dry, with low humidity, and that can be tough on the skin. Give your skin some glow support by turning up the humidity in the air at home. You can do this the old-fashioned way, by boiling a pot of water on the stove and letting the steam dissipate. Want to make it even better? Add your favorite herb to the water and enjoy the steamy aroma. (If you prefer a more modern approach, you can invest in an electric humidifier – this will also do the trick.)

Smooth it on and relax

Winter is a time when skin needs extra support, and that means nourishing the soul as well as the skin! So why not make a me-time moment out of your moisturizing face mask? That means cozying up in warm pjs, lighting an aromatic candle, and relaxing with your mask on. In the harsh winter, it’s a great idea to do this regularly. Not only will it relax your soul; it will give the extra hydration boost that skin craves when it is constantly exposed to the cold.

Stick to it!

Constant exposure is really challenging to the skin, so you need to stick to a proper moisturizing routine to combat the cold. Once you’ve built your daily routine and decided on a schedule, stick to it! You’ll see results much quicker, and this will keep you motivated to continue.

Here’s a great winter skin care routine that you can follow to achieve the glow you dream of:

● Start and end every day with a powerful hydrating cream. The night cream should be extra moisturizing and intensive. ·
● A hydrating face mask treatment is a must at least once a week, so make sure to set aside enough time. Weekends are the perfect opportunity for a face mask.
● Use eye cream specially formulated to hydrate that oh-so-delicate skin area.
● Keep a lip balm handy at all times. Use often and whenever you need.
● Same goes for hand cream! Hands are particularly vulnerable to the cold, so keep a heavy-duty hand lotion in your bag and use it throughout the day. Don’t wait till the skin is already red and chapped. Make sure to moisturize before the skin dries out.
● When removing makeup, use a gentle non-drying micellar water so you can properly cleanse without drying the skin.

Hydration is the key to winter glow

You don’t need expensive visits to the beauty parlor to keep skin healthy and nourished in the winter. It’s really about making sure the skin is properly moisturized, so you strengthen the natural moisture barrier and prevent moisture loss. Stick to your regular cleansing, toning and hydrating routine, but make sure to add extra intensive moisturizing products to your regimen, and you’ll glow all winter long.

Once you’ve built your daily routine and decided on a schedule, stick to it! You’ll see results much quicker, and this will keep you motivated to continue.

Winter Routine skincare

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